Right now, the entire world could benefit from a skilled crisis manager.
COVID-19 Coronavirus is rapidly spreading throughout the world, and panic appears to be spreading faster than the disease itself.
We specialize in crisis management as a marketing and public relations firm. Due to Coronavirus concerns, we've had a busy month working with our clients to manage crises and create statements.
There are clear principles that can apply to any company, government, or institution during a crisis. We wanted to give you some pointers to get you started.
Steps for dealing with a crisis. Make certain that you understand the three general crisis principles,
Gather the facts (no fake news)
Know your audience and communicate these facts responsibly (very important as it sets the tone of your message)
In an emergency, the first step is to "understand the facts of the situation."
Sounds simple, but we are all human, and our first instinct may be to panic and respond quickly. We advise against communicating when you are unsure of the information, especially during a medical emergency, because facts are critical.
Inadequate communication can lead to confusion and unnecessary fear.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, is doing an excellent job of publishing information on the coronavirus; however, elected officials and local governments may extract vital information that is then lost in translation.
Steps to take following a crisis,
After all is said and done, and life has returned to "normal," it is critical to begin strategizing immediately on how to restore your company's procedures and productivity, while remaining vigilant not to allow the virus to re-emerge.
Many businesses that have relocated their entire workforce online must plan for a smooth transition back to a physical office environment. City governments, in particular, must figure out how and when to allow residents to resume their normal lives.
It is critical to look ahead and remember that there is always a rainbow after the rain.
Let me assist you in developing a rainbow-proof crisis management plan for your company; click here.